In this tutorial, we help you understand deeper about TreeSet in the Java Collections Framework.

You know, TreeSet does not only implement the Set interface, it also implements the SortedSet and NavigableSet interfaces. Therefore, besides inheriting behaviors of a typical Set, TreeSet also inherits behaviors of SortedSet and NavigableSet. The following picture illustrates the API hierarchy:

TreeSet API


1. Understanding SortedSet

The key characteristic of a SortedSet is that, it sorts elements according to their natural ordering or by a specified comparator. So considering using a TreeSet when you want a collection that satisfies the following conditions:

Here’s an example illustrates this characteristic of a SortedSet:

SortedSet<Integer> setNumbers = new TreeSet<>();
setNumbers.addAll(Arrays.asList(2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7, 0, 9));
System.out.println("Sorted Set: " + setNumbers);

Sorted Set: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Here, we add elements of an array list to a TreeSet, and as you can see, the duplicate elements are removed and they are sorted by alphanumeric order (natural ordering of numbers).

In addition to basic collection operations and normal set operations, the SortedSet provides the following types of operations:

Hence the following interface abstracts a SortedSet:

public interface SortedSet<E> extends Set<E> {
	// Range-view
	SortedSet<E> subSet(E fromElement, E toElement);
	SortedSet<E> headSet(E toElement);
	SortedSet<E> tailSet(E fromElement);

	// Endpoints
	E first();
	E last();

	// Comparator access
	Comparator<? super E> comparator();
Let’s look at each type of operation in details.


Range view operations:


Endpoint operations:


Comparator access:


2. SortedSet Code Examples

The following code example demonstrates how these operations work with a TreeSetimplementation:

SortedSet<Integer> setNumbers = new TreeSet<>();

setNumbers.addAll(Arrays.asList(2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7, 0, 9));

System.out.println("Original Set: " + setNumbers);

Integer first = setNumbers.first();

System.out.println("First element: " + first);

Integer last = setNumbers.last();

System.out.println("Last element: " + last);

SortedSet<Integer> subSet = setNumbers.subSet(3, 7);

System.out.println("Sub Set: " + subSet);

SortedSet<Integer> headSet = setNumbers.headSet(5);

System.out.println("Head Set: " + headSet);

SortedSet<Integer> tailSet = setNumbers.tailSet(5);

System.out.println("Tail Set: " + tailSet);

Comparator comparator = setNumbers.comparator();

System.out.println("Sorted by natural ordering? " + (comparator == null));

Original Set: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
First element: 0
Last element: 9
Sub Set: [3, 4, 5, 6]
Head Set: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Tail Set: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Sorted by natural ordering? true
The following code snippet shows how to use a comparator:

class ZtoAComparator implements Comparator<String> {
	public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
		return s2.compareTo(s1);

SortedSet<String> setStrings = new TreeSet<>(new ZtoAComparator());



[Watermelon, Lemon, Grape, Banana, Apple]
As you see, the specified comparator sorts the elements into descending order.

If you use Java 8, use Lambda expression to simplify the comparator class like this:

SortedSet<String> setStrings = new TreeSet<>((s1, s2) -> s2.compareTo(s1));

Set API References:


Related Java Set Tutorials:


Other Java Collections Tutorials:

About the Author:

is certified Java programmer (SCJP and SCWCD). He started programming with Java in the time of Java 1.4 and has been falling in love with Java since then. Make friend with him on Facebook and watch his Java videos you YouTube.

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