This Java certification tutorial helps you understand how to prepare for the OCEJWCD exam. You have to be certified with OCPJP as the prerequisite to take this certificate.


1. OCEJWCD Overview and Syllabus

OCEJWCD stands for Oracle Certified Expert Java EE Web Component Developer, and the current version is for Java EE 6. This certificate recognizes your excellence in developing Java web applications using Serlvet, JSP and JSTL technologies.

Here’s the summary information of the OCEJWCD exam:


OCEJWCD Syllabus:

And the following is summary of exam topics:

As you can see, the OCEJWCD covers the core and fundamentals of Java EE platform. Read the details about exam topics on this page:

OCEJWCD Exam Topic Details


2. OCEJWCD Study Materials

Here are the resources and materials which we would like to recommend for your preparation of the OCEJWCD exam - version for Java EE 6:


OCEJWCD Study Books:


OCEJWCD Practice Exam Books:


OCEJWCD Exam Simulator:


OCEJWCD Java EE docs:




OCEJWCD Free Mock Exam:


I hope you will find this recommendation helpful to become an Oracle Certified Expert for Java EE Web Component Developer.


Other Java Certification Guides:

About the Author:

is certified Java programmer (SCJP and SCWCD). He started programming with Java in the time of Java 1.4 and has been falling in love with Java since then. Make friend with him on Facebook and watch his Java videos you YouTube.