Java Networking Tutorials:

Java HttpURLConnection to download file from an HTTP URLJava HttpURLConnection to download file from an HTTP URL
Java code example to download files from a web server using HttpURLConnection class.
Published:  04 January 2013    Views: 704,526    48 comments
Java HTTP utility class to send GET/POST requestJava HTTP utility class to send GET/POST request
Java code example to send a HTTP GET/POST request to a web server, and read server's response as Strings.
Published:  29 March 2012    Views: 200,246    13 comments
How to use Java URLConnection and HttpURLConnectionHow to use Java URLConnection and HttpURLConnection
Understand API of the URLConnection and HttpURLConnection classes
Published:  08 December 2017    Views: 107,033    5 comments
Java URLConnection and HttpURLConnection ExamplesJava URLConnection and HttpURLConnection Examples
Various Java code examples for URLConnection and HttpURLConnection
Published:  10 December 2017    Views: 104,993    1 comments
Java upload files by sending multipart request programmaticallyJava upload files by sending multipart request programmatically
Java code example for uploading files programmatically from a Java client to any web server
Published:  23 December 2012    Views: 85,218    120 comments
Java Socket Server Examples (TCP/IP)Java Socket Server Examples (TCP/IP)
How to implement a server program in Java using ServerSocket. Multi-threaded server is also explained.
Published:  12 November 2017    Views: 20,026    12 comments
Java Socket Client Examples (TCP/IP)Java Socket Client Examples (TCP/IP)
How to create a TCP/IP socket client program in Java with 4 real-life examples: Daytime, Whois, HTTP and SMTP
Published:  11 November 2017    Views: 18,583    9 comments
How to Create a Chat Console Application in Java using SocketHow to Create a Chat Console Application in Java using Socket
A step-by-step guide to develop a chat console application in Java using Socket and Server Socket
Published:  20 December 2017    Views: 17,987    55 comments
Java UDP Client Server Program ExampleJava UDP Client Server Program Example
How to implement a UDP client/server application in Java using DatagramPacket and DatagramSocket
Published:  17 November 2017    Views: 14,572    8 comments
Java InetAddress ExamplesJava InetAddress Examples
How to use InetAddress class in Java
Published:  07 November 2017    Views: 9,423    3 comments