Best-selling Java courses on Udemy in 2017
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- Written by Nam Ha Minh
- Last Updated on 25 November 2017   |   Print Email
In this page, we recommend the best-selling courses on Udemy for Java development in 2017. The courses fall in to the following categories:
- Java for Beginners
- Java Core & Java SE
- Advanced Java
- Java Algorithm & Data Structures
- Java EE
- Java Servlets & Java Server Pages (JSP)
- Java Web Services
- Java Server Faces
- Java Spring Framework
- Spring & Hibernate
- Java Android Development
- JVM Languages
- Java Microservices
- Java Interview Questions & Answers
- Java Testing
- Java DevOps
- Java IDEs & Tools
- Specialized Java Topics
Java for Beginners
by Tim Buchalka - Java, Android & Python Professional Developer & Teacher
Learn to master Java 8 and Java 9 core development step-by-step, and make your first unique, advanced program in 30 days.
Over 151K students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 29,200 ratings)
Java for beginners: Create 10 useful complete projects
by Skill Tree - Skill based learning
Hands on Practical Java for beginners from scratch
Over 1,049 students enrolled - Rating: 4.0 (over 38 ratings)
Java Core & Java SE
by Tim Buchalka - Java, Android & Python Professional Developer & Teacher
Improve Your Career Prospects by Learning About New Java 9 Features Like Modules, JShell, Processes and More.
Over 1,116 students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 71 ratings)
by Bharath Thippireddy - IT Architect
Master java in quick and simple steps.
Over 1,105 students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 293 ratings)
Master Object Oriented Design in Java - Homework + Solutions
by Imtiaz Ahmad - Senior Software Engineer & Trainer
Don't just learn Java! Learn to write practical industry standard object oriented software and super charge your career!
Over 11.6K students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 1,600 ratings)
Java In-Depth: Become a Complete Java Engineer!
by Dheeru Mundluru - PhD, CTO & Principal Instructor at Semantic Square
Comprehensive Java programming course integrated with design principles, best practices, demos & instructor-led project.
Over 7.0K students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 1,400 ratings)
Java Swing (GUI) Programming: From Beginner to Expert
John Purcell - Software Development Trainer
Learn how to create desktop and Internet GUI Java programs and take your Java programming to the next level.
Over 9.7K students enrolled - Rating: 4.4 (over 800 ratings)
Advanced Java
by Infinite Skills - High Quality Training
Take Your Java Programming Skills To The Next Level. Become Proficient In Java Programming/
Over 5.8K students enrolled - Rating: 4.1 (over 380 ratings)
Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
by Deepali Srivastava - Author
Learn Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms in Java to provide efficient solutions to complex problems.
Over 700 students enrolled - Rating: 4.8 (over 50 ratings)
Java Algorithm & Data Structures
Introduction to Data Structures & Algorithms in Java
by Raghavendra Dixit - Dizauvi Learning Solutions
Designed to help understand the fundamentals of DS & Algorithms really well. A must have for programming interviews.
Over 18k students enrolled - Rating: 4.2 (over 1,700 ratings)
by Holczer Balazs - Software Engineer
Breadth-first search, depth-first search, shortest path, arbitrage, strongly connected components and graph algorithms.
Over 4.3k students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 270 ratings)
From 0 to 1: Design Patterns - 24 That Matter - In Java
by Loony Corn - An ex-Google, Stanford and Flipkart team
An intensely practical, deeply thoughtful and quirky look at 24 Design Patterns. Instructors are ex-Google, Stanford.
Over 4.2k students enrolled - Rating: 4.2 (over 200 ratings)
Experience Design Patterns In Java
by Stijn De Mulder - Software Architect Trainer
Learn to write better software by understanding common problems and applying design patterns for a better solution.
Over 8.1k students enrolled - Rating: 4.1 (over 600 ratings)
Java EE
Java EE Made Easy - Patterns, Architecture and Frameworks
by in28Minutes Official
Beginners Guide to Demystifying Architecture, Patterns and Technologies used in Java EE. Get the Big Picture of Java EE.
Over 4.7k students enrolled - Rating: 4.3 (over 300 ratings)
Java EE Dependency Injection Bootcamp - Mastering CDI 2.0
by Luqman Saeed - Software Engineer, Business Systems Consultant
Your most comprehensive guide to modern dependency injection on the Java EE platform.
Over 100 students enrolled - Rating: 4.3 (over 11 ratings)
Java EE 7 A Practical Training Course From Infinite Skills
by Infinite Skills - High Quality Training
Learn Java EE at your own pace, a practical hands-on training course from Infinite Skills.
Over 2.4k students enrolled - Rating: 4.4 (over 170 ratings)
Java Servlets & Java Server Pages (JSP)
JSP and Servlets for Beginners: Build a Database Web App
by Chad Darby - Popular Java Instructor - 110,000+ Students
JSP: Covers latest versions of JSP 2.3 and Servlets 3.1 - Most Popular JSP/Servlet course.
Over 11.5k students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 2,200 ratings)
Java Servlets and JSP - Build Java EE(JEE) app in 25 Steps
by in28Minutes Official
Servlets and JSP Tutorial for Beginners.
Over 2.5k students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 260 ratings)
Java Web Services
by Bharath Thippireddy - IT Architect
Learn how to design, create, consume and secure SOAP and REST web services from scratch in easy steps.
Over 14.1k students enrolled - Rating: 4.4 (over 2,900 ratings)
by Taylor Corey - Software Engineer & Mentor
A guide to understanding, accessing, and writing a REST Java web service using Apache and Java EE.
Over 2.2k students enrolled - Rating: 4.2 (over 300 ratings)
Java Server Faces
JSF - Java Server Faces for Beginners - Build a Database App
by Chad Darby - Popular Java Instructor - 110,000+ Students
JSF - Build a Real JSF Web Application that connects to a Database - Most Popular JSF course.
Over 5.1k students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 800 ratings)
Java Spring Framework
Java Spring Framework Masterclass - Beginner to Expert
by in28Minutes Official - Popular Spring Framework Instructor with 100,000+ Learners
Learn the magic of Spring Framework in 100 Steps with Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, JUnit, Mockito and JPA.
Over 51k students enrolled - Rating: 4.3 (over 6,500 ratings)
Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru
by John Thompson - Spring Framework Guru - Best Selling Udemy Instructor
Learn Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2 with the Most Modern and Comprehensive Spring Framework Course Available.
Over 6.2k students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 800 ratings)
Spring Core Advanced - Beyond the Basics
by John Thompson - Spring Framework Guru - Best Selling Udemy Instructor
Enterprise class use of Spring Framework 4 and Spring Boot.
Over 2.6k students enrolled - Rating: 4.3 (over 200 ratings)
Learn Spring Boot - Rapid Spring Application Development
by Dan Vega - Software Engineer - Best Selling Udemy Instru - 30K Students
Spring Boot gives you all the power of the Spring Framework without all of the complexity. Start writing apps today!
Over 9.1k students enrolled - Rating: 4.3 (over 2,000 ratings)
Spring & Hibernate
Spring and Hibernate for Beginners
by Chad Darby - Popular Java Instructor - 110,000+ Students
Spring Framework: Build a COMPLETE Project with Spring MVC and Hibernate CRUD from scratch! - Most Popular Spring Course.
Over 28k students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 7,300 ratings)
Java Persistence: Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals
by Deshraj Singh Kiran - Trainer and Consultant at MavenEdge
A simple-to-follow and easy-to-understand training course on Java Persistence with JPA by Example.
Over 6.4k students enrolled - Rating: 4.4 (over 1,000 ratings)
Java Android Development
The Complete Android N Developer Course
by Rob Percival - Web Developer And Teacher
Learn Android App Development with Android 7 Nougat by building real apps including Uber, Whatsapp and Instagram!
Over 54k students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 8,400 ratings)
Android Oreo and Android Nougat App Masterclass
by Tim Buchalka - Java, Android & Python Expert Developer - 200,000 students!
Android 7 Nougat and Android 8 is used by top companies like Twitter. Master Android N and Android O app development.
Over 25k students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 3,200 ratings)
The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course
by Hussein Al Rubaye - Software Engineer and Developer
Learn how to make online games, and apps for Android O, like Pokémon , twitter,Tic Tac Toe, and notepad using Kotlin.
Over 53k students enrolled - Rating: 4.1 (over 3,200 ratings)
The Complete Android Material Design Course
by Mehdi Haghgoo - App Developer and Teacher
In this complete course students will learn how to build Material Design applications for the Android platform.
Over 800 students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 140 ratings)
JVM Languages
by Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy
Use your Java skills to learn Kotlin fast. Enhance career prospects and master Kotlin, including Java interoperability.
Over 1,600 students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 90 ratings)
Kotlin Quick Start for Java Developers
by Dave Ford - Developer and Trainer for Smart Soft
A tutorial for Java developers who want to quickly get up to speed with Kotlin.
Over 1,800 students enrolled - Rating: 4.5 (over 20 ratings)
Java Microservices
Mastering Micro Services Using Java Spring Boot
by Mohammad Azam - Apple Featured iOS Developer and iOS Instructor
Take your Java skills to the cloud!
Over 1,700 students enrolled - Rating: 4.1 (over 70 ratings)
by Packt Publishing - Tech Knowledge in Motion
Build the foundation of Cloud Native applications with microservices using Java EE 8.
Over 150 students enrolled - Rating: 4.1 (over 12 ratings)
Java Interview Questions & Answers
Java Interview Guide : 200+ Interview Questions and Answers
by in28Minutes Official
200+ Java Interview Questions for Beginners.
Over 6.3k students enrolled - Rating: 4.3 (over 700 ratings)
Test and improve your Java skills
by StudyEasy Organisation - Fantastic content maker and fabulous presenters
Great course to improve Java skills and it will help you in your Java interview for Java related questions.
Over 7.1k students enrolled - Rating: 4.2 (over 80 ratings)
Java Testing
JUnit and Mockito Crash Course
by Bharath Thippireddy - IT Architect
Learn how to use JUnit and Mockito and Unit Test in easy steps.
Over 3.9k students enrolled - Rating: 4.4 (over 800 ratings)
Automate WebServices Rest API (testing) using Java
by Vaibhav Gupta - Founder and Author at HelpingTesters
Prepare Automation Java Suite for testing Rest API.
Over 2.5k students enrolled - Rating: 4.1 (over 280 ratings)
Selenium Webdriver Complete Course - Build A Framework
by Nikolay Advolodkin - Automation Test Engineer and passionate teacher
Learn how to create a framework, from scratch, with Selenium Webdriver - so that you can use it at your workplace.
Over 15.6k students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 6,000 ratings)
Java DevOps
DevOps: CI/CD with Jenkins pipelines, Maven, Gradle
by Manuj Aggarwal - Technology Leader | Innovator
Build continuous integration, continuous delivery and DevOps pipelines with Java, Gradle, Maven, Artifactory & Sqitch.
Over 1,100 students enrolled - Rating: 4.5 (over 150 ratings)
by John Thompson - Spring Framework Guru - Best Selling Udemy Instructor
Deploy Spring Boot Applications to the Cloud on AWS.
Over 2,500 students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 190 ratings)
by John Thompson - Spring Framework Guru - Best Selling Udemy Instructor
Learn how you can use Docker to supercharge your enterprise Java Development!
Over 3,300 students enrolled - Rating: 4.3 (over 340 ratings)
Java IDEs & Tools
Eclipse Debugging Techniques And Tricks
by Swapan Kumar Dutta - Java Expert
Practical course to teach eclipse debugging from beginners to advanced level step by step details with hands on examples.
Over 1,400 students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 85 ratings)
Apache Tomcat Server from Beginners to Advanced
by Cryptocloud Training - eLearning
Tomcat Server essentials for Java Web Developers, Architects & Admins. Learn Tomcat best-practices in quick & easy way.
Over 500 students enrolled - Rating: 4.5 (over 130 ratings)
by Infinite Skills - High Quality Training
Java Build Management and Automation
Over 1,200 students enrolled - Rating: 4.5 (over 210 ratings)
Specialized Java Topics
by Matt Greencroft - Course tutor at Virtual Pair Programmers
What Java professionals need to know about memory, garbage collection, tuning the VM, and avoiding memory leaks.
Over 3,400 students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 640 ratings)
Multithreading and Parallel Computing in Java
by Holczer Balazs - Software Engineer
Multithreading and concurrent programming, parallel computation in Java.
Over 2,900 students enrolled - Rating: 4.4 (over 320 ratings)
Professional Web Scraping with Java
by Patrick Meier - Entrepreneur, Software Developer
Learn how to scrape data from any static or dynamic / AJAX web page using Java in a short and concise way.
Over 700 students enrolled - Rating: 4.5 (over 52 ratings)
Java Streams API Developer Guide
by Nelson Djalo - Software Engineer
Functional Programming with Java 8.
Over 2,300 students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 60 ratings)
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