In this page, we recommend the best-selling courses on Udemy for web development in 2017. The courses fall in to the following categories:


Comprehensive Web Development


The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0

by Rob Percival - Web Developer And Teacher

Learn Web Development by building 25 websites and mobile apps using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Python, MySQL & more!

Over 142K students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 29,000 ratings)




The Advanced Web Developer BootcampThe Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp

by Colt Steele - Developer and Bootcamp Instructor

Learn React 16, Redux, D3, ES2015, Testing, CSS Flexbox, Animations, SVG, AJAX, and more!

Over 14K students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 1,000 ratings)




Javascript Fundamentals


JavaScript Understanding the Weird PartsJavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

by Anthony Alicea - Software Developer, Architect, and UX Designer

An advanced JavaScript course for everyone! Scope, closures, prototypes, 'this', build your own framework, and more.

Over 93K students enrolled - Rating: 4.8 (over 20,000 ratings)



The Complete JavaScript Course Build a Real-World ProjectThe Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real-World Project

by Jonas Schmedtmann - Web Developer, Designer, and Teacher

Master JavaScript with the most complete JavaScript course on the market! Includes projects, challenges, final exam, ES6.

Over 55K students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 8,800 ratings)



Javascript - AngularJS


Learn and Understand AngularJSLearn and Understand AngularJS

by Anthony Alicea - Software Developer, Architect, and UX Designer

Master AngularJS and the Javascript concepts behind it, design custom directives, and build a single page application.

Over 64K students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 13,200 ratings)



Angular 5 formerly Angular 2 - The Complete GuideAngular 5 (formerly Angular 2) - The Complete Guide

by Maximilian Schwarzmüller - Professional Web Developer and Instructor

Master Angular (Angular 2+, incl. Angular 5) and build awesome, reactive web apps with the successor of Angular.js

Over 117K students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 33,100 ratings)



Angular Angular 2  NodeJS - The MEAN Stack GuideAngular (Angular 2+) & NodeJS - The MEAN Stack Guide

by Maximilian Schwarzmüller - Professional Web Developer and Instructor

Learn how to connect your Angular 2/ Angular 5 Frontend with a NodeJS Backend by building a real Application.

Over 24K students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 4,500 ratings)



Angular 4 Java DevelopersAngular 4 Java Developers

by Dan Vega - Software Engineer

Learn How to Build Spring Boot & Angular Applications with JHipster.

Over 1.2K students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 70 ratings)


Javascript - Node.js and JQuery


The Complete Node.js Developer Course 2nd EditionThe Complete Node.js Developer Course (2nd Edition)

by Andrew Mead - A Full-stack Developer & Teacher

Learn Node.js by building real-world applications with Node, Express, MongoDB, Mocha, and more!

Over 47K students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 8,700 ratings)



The Complete jQuery Course - From Beginner To AdvancedThe Complete jQuery Course: From Beginner To Advanced!

by Joe Parys - Bestselling Instructor, 68 Courses, Serving 300,000 Students

Use jQuery to create stunning animations, provide fast feedback forms, handle all user events and perform Ajax calls.

Over 8.1K students enrolled - Rating: 4.4 (over 530 ratings)


Javascript - ReactJS - Redux - Flux


React JS and Flux Web Development for BeginnersReact JS and Flux Web Development for Beginners

by Mark Price - Unity 3D Android iOS 10 Swift 3 & React Teacher

The comprehensive guide to building professional web apps with Facebook's React & Flux

Over 8.9K students enrolled - Rating: 4.2 (over 900 ratings)



Modern React with ReduxModern React with Redux

by Stephen Grider - Engineering Architect

Master the fundamentals of React and Redux with this tutorial as you develop apps with React Router, Webpack, and ES6.

Over 76K students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 22,500 ratings)



Server Side Rendering with React and ReduxServer Side Rendering with React and Redux

by Stephen Grider - Engineering Architect

Build React, Redux, and React Router apps using Server Side Rendering (SSR), Isomorphic, and Universal JS techniques.

Over 4.3K students enrolled - Rating: 4.8 (over 400 ratings)


Javascript - TypeScript


Understanding TypeScriptUnderstanding TypeScript

by Maximilian Schwarzmüller - Professional Web Developer and Instructor

Don't limit the Usage of TypeScript to Angular 2! Learn the Basics, its Features, Workflows and how to use it!

Over 14K students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 2,700 ratings)





Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3

by Jonas Schmedtmann - Web Developer, Designer, and Teacher

The easiest way to learn modern web design, HTML5 and CSS3 step-by-step from scratch. Design AND code a huge project.

Over 59K students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 10,000 ratings)



Advanced CSS and Sass Take Your CSS to the Next LevelAdvanced CSS and Sass: Take Your CSS to the Next Level!

by Jonas Schmedtmann - Web Developer, Designer, and Teacher

The most advanced and modern CSS course on the internet: master animations, flexbox, responsive design, and so much more.

Over 7.7K students enrolled - Rating: 4.9 (over 700 ratings)



Web Design for Beginners - Real World Coding in HTML  CSSWeb Design for Beginners: Real World Coding in HTML & CSS

by Brad Schiff - Web Developer

Launch a career as a web designer by learning HTML5, CSS3, responsive design, Sass, cross device compatibility and more!

Over 11.2K students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 2,200 ratings)


PHP - Laravel


PHP for Beginners How to Build an E-Commerce StorePHP for Beginners: How to Build an E-Commerce Store

by Edwin Diaz - Web Developer & Premium Udemy Instructor

PHP E-commerce: in this course you will learn how to make full e-commerce websites to build your own home business.

Over 5.6K students enrolled - Rating: 4.5 (over 540 ratings)



PHP with Laravel for beginners - Become a Master in LaravelPHP with Laravel for beginners - Become a Master in Laravel

by Edwin Diaz - Web Developer & Premium Udemy Instructor

Learn to master Laravel to make advanced applications like the real CMS app we build on this course.

Over 12K students enrolled - Rating: 4.5 (over 2,500 ratings)



Object Oriented PHP  MVCObject Oriented PHP & MVC

by Brad Traversy - Full Stack Web Developer & Instructor at Traversy Media

Build a custom object oriented PHP MVC framework and then build an application with it.

Over 1K students enrolled - Rating: 4.9 (over 160 ratings)


Ruby on Rails


The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer CourseThe Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course

by Rob Percival - Web Developer And Teacher

Learn to make innovative web apps with Ruby on Rails 4 & 5 and unleash your creativity.

Over 38K students enrolled - Rating: 4.5 (over 4,500 ratings)



Professional Ruby on Rails Developer with Rails 5Professional Ruby on Rails Developer with Rails 5

by Rob Percival - Web Developer And Teacher

Ruby on Rails - Imagine, design, build web apps and bring your dreams to life with Rails 5

Over 4K students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 300 ratings)



Dissecting Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional DeveloperDissecting Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer

by Jordan Hudgens - CTO at devCamp

Don't simply follow a tutorial, learn what it really takes to become a pro Rails developer with this immersive course.

Over 4.6K students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 740 ratings)


Python - Django


Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer BootcampPython and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

by Jose Portilla - Data Scientist

Learn to build websites with HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , Javascript , jQuery , Python 3 , and Django 1.11!

Over 26K students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 4,800 ratings)



The Ultimate Beginners Guide to DjangoThe Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Django

by Nick Walter - Mobile Developer for iOS and Django Web Developer

Learn how to make and publish websites with Django and Python. We'll make 3 complete apps and publish one online.

Over 3.6K students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 780 ratings)



REST APIs with Flask and PythonREST APIs with Flask and Python

by Jose Salvatierra - Founder of Teclado and Software Engineer

Build professional REST APIs with Python, Flask, Flask-RESTful, and Flask-SQLAlchemy.

Over 9.7K students enrolled - Rating: 4.6 (over 1,500 ratings)


Other web development courses


HTTP to HTTPS - Secure your Website with SSL for FreeHTTP to HTTPS - Secure your Website with SSL for Free

by Andrew Williams - Wordpress & SEO Expert, teacher and author

Secure your Website and Speed It Up, Quickly & Easily, Using Cloudflare and a Free SSL Certificate. Complete Guide.

Over 500 students enrolled - Rating: 4.7 (over 30 ratings)



JSON in Action Build JSON-Based ApplicationsJSON in Action: Build JSON-Based Applications

by Crypters Infotech - Career Enhancement Training Solutions

Learn JSON from Scratch! Learn JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) to Build API-Based Apps! Develop 2 JSON-Based Projects.

Over 1.9K students enrolled - Rating: 4.4 (over 250 ratings)



Scrapy Powerful Web Scraping  Crawling with PythonScrapy: Powerful Web Scraping & Crawling with Python

by GoTrained Academy - eLearning Professionals

Python Scrapy Tutorial - Learn how to scrape websites and build a powerful web crawler using Scrapy and Python

Over 2.4K students enrolled - Rating: 4.5 (over 370 ratings)

About the Author:

is certified Java programmer (SCJP and SCWCD). He began programming with Java back in the days of Java 1.4 and has been passionate about it ever since. You can connect with him on Facebook and watch his Java videos on YouTube.

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