AWS Java SDK S3 List Buckets Example
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- Written by Nam Ha Minh
- Last Updated on 03 January 2022   |   Print Email
In this AWS Java SDK tutorial, you will learn how to write Java code for listing buckets in a specific region on Amazon S3 server. In S3’s terms, a bucket is a container for objects stored on Amazon’s cloud storage service. You can have many buckets in your AWS account which belongs to a specific geographical region.
Notes: You may need to setup AWS SDK for Java for Amazon S3 beforehand, in order to follow this guide.
1. List Buckets in the default AWS region
The following program prints name and creation date of all buckets in the default region specified by the AWS_REGION environment variable (or in AWS config file):
package; import; import; import; public class ListBucketsExample1 { public static void main(String[] args) { S3Client client = S3Client.builder().build(); ListBucketsRequest listBucketsRequest = ListBucketsRequest.builder().build(); ListBucketsResponse listBuckets = client.listBuckets(listBucketsRequest); listBuckets.buckets().stream().forEach( x -> System.out.println( + " - " + x.creationDate())); } }
You see, the code example is quite simple and straightforward. You need to build a S3Client object and a ListBucketsRequest object. And invoke the S3Client.listBuckets() method that returns a ListBucketsResponse object.
And call ListBucketsResponse.buckets() method that returns a List<Bucket>, and in the example I use Java Stream API to iterate through each bucket in the list, and print out name and creation date.
You would see the output of the above example program as follows:
computer.nam-public-images - 2021-08-23T09:19:20Z nam-code-backup - 2021-05-16T03:26:13Z nam-public-images - 2021-05-16T03:47:00Z
2. List Buckets in a specific AWS region
The following code example illustrates how to list all buckets in a specific AWS region, e.g. US_EAST_2:
package; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; public class ListBucketsExample2 { public static void main(String[] args) { Region region = Region.US_EAST_2; S3Client client = S3Client.builder().region(region).build(); ListBucketsRequest listBucketsRequest = ListBucketsRequest.builder().build(); ListBucketsResponse listBuckets = client.listBuckets(listBucketsRequest); List<Bucket> buckets = listBuckets.buckets(); for (Bucket bucket : buckets) { System.out.println( + " - " + bucket.creationDate()); } } }
The code is self-explanatory. Note that I use a for each loop to print name and creation date of each bucket in the list.
Notes: If you want to handle exceptions, you can catch AwsServiceException, SdkClientException and S3Exception which may be thrown by the listBuckets() method of the S3Client interface.
Those are a couple of code examples that list buckets on Amazon S3 server. I hope you find this tutorial helpful.
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