Understand 9 features of Java programming language
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- Written by Nam Ha Minh
- Last Updated on 23 September 2024   |   Print Email
In this article, you will learn about key features of the Java programming language. It’s like you need to learn the alphabet before learning how to read and write. You'll understand why Java is a popular and widespread programming language.
Generally speaking, Java is a simple, robust and secure programming language. Here are the most important features of Java:
1. Java is Simple:
The Java programming language is easy to learn with simple syntax and clear vocabularies. Most programmers find Java code easy to read and write.
2. Java is Familiar:
Java is similar to C/C++ but it removes the drawbacks and complexities of C/C++ like pointers and multiple inheritances. So if you have background in C/C++, you will find Java familiar and easy to learn.
3. Java is an Object-Oriented programming language:
Unlike C++ which is semi object-oriented, Java is a fully object-oriented programming language. It supports all OOP features such as abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. OOP helps modeling real-world objects with characteristics, behaviors and communication among them. Thefore, by using Java programming language, programmers can abstract real- world problems and develop solutions.
4. Java supports Functional programming:
Since Java SE version 8 (JDK 8), Java is updated with functional programming feature like functional interfaces and Lambda Expressions. This increases the flexibility of the Java language.
5. Java is Robust:
With automatic garbage collection feature and simple memory management model (no pointers like C/C++), exception handling, plus language features like generics, try-with-resources, etc., Java guides programmer toward reliable programming habits for creating highly reliable applications.
6. Java is Secure:
The Java platform is designed with security features built into the language and runtime system such as static type-checking at compile time and runtime checking (security manager), which let you creating applications that can’t be invaded from outside. You never hear about viruses attacking Java applications.
7. Java is High Performant:
Java code is compiled into bytecode which is highly optimized by the Java compiler, so that the Java virtual machine (JVM) can execute Java applications at full speed. In addition, compute-intensive code can be re-written in native code and interfaced with Java platform via Java Native Interface (JNI), thus improve the performance of Java applications. The JVM is constantly improved with new generations of garbage collector, which means Java application can perform even better over time.
8. Java is Multithreaded:
The Java platform is designed with multithreading capabilities built into the language, such as synchronized keyword. That means you can build applications with many concurrent threads of activity, resulting in highly interactive and responsive applications. The JDK also provide great concurrency utilities and libraries, which help programmers develop concurrent applications more easily.
9. Java is Platform Independent:
Java code is compiled into intermediate format (bytecode), which can be executed on any systems for which Java virtual machine is ported. That means you can write a Java program once and run it on Windows, Mac, Linux or Solaris without re-compiling the code. Thus the well-known slogan “Write once, run anywhere” of Java.
Besides the above features, programmers can benefit from a strong and vibrant Java ecosystem:
- Java is powered by Oracle - one of the leaders in the industry. Java also gets enormous support from big technology companies like IBM, Google, Redhat,… so it has been always evolving over the years.
- There are a lot of open source libraries which you can choose for building your applications.
- There are many superior tools and IDEs that makes your Java development easier, such as Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, etc.
- There are many frameworks that help you build highly reliable applications quickly, such as Spring framework, Hibernate framework, Struts framework, etc.
- The community around Java technology is very big and mature, so that you can get support easily.
That’s why Java is always ranked one of the most popular programming languages in the world, according to statistics by Tiobe Index.
So congratulate you on choosing Java as the programming language for developing awesome applications.
Next topic: How to write your first Java program
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