In this article, I will help you understand the differences between the static and non-static variables, static and non-static methods in Java. You know, most beginners have confusions with this matter and one faces this error at least one time:

non-static variable number cannot be referenced from a static context

Do you see this message looks familiar?

If you are unsure about the static and non-static, read on and I will clear your doubts in few minutes. In addition, I’ll share something interesting which you may not know before.

Generally, static is a modifier applying for member variables and methods.


1. What is a non-static variable?

A non-static variable is a regular one. It’s better to understand the concept by looking at some examples. Given the following class:

public class A {
	public int x;

You know, we can create as many instances of the class A as we want. For example:

A a1 = new A();
a1.x = 1;

A a2 = new A();
a2.x = 2;

System.out.println("a1.x = " + a1.x);
System.out.println("a2.x = " + a2.x);

Here, x is a non-static variable, and each object of the class A has its own copy of x, thus the following output:

a1.x = 1
a2.x = 2

To remember, a non-static variable belongs to an instance (object) of a class. Each object has its own copy of the variable.

Now, let’s see how difference is the static variable.


2. What is a static variable?

A static variable is modified by the static modifier. Let’s modify the class A above by making the x variable static:

public class A {
	public static int x;

Note that the static modifier is used before the variable type. And here’s the same test code as above:

A a1 = new A();
a1.x = 1;

A a2 = new A();
a2.x = 2;

System.out.println("a1.x = " + a1.x);
System.out.println("a2.x = " + a2.x);

But the output is different:

a1.x = 2
a2.x = 2

Oh, why do we get the same value of x? It’s because a static variable is shared among all instances of a class. In other words, a static variable is unique: there’s only one copy which is shared by all objects.

Hence there’s no need of creating an object to access the static variable. We can write:

A.x = 3;
System.out.println("A.x = " + A.x);


A.x = 3

NOTE: We use the class name to access the static members without creating an object.


3. Non-static method

A non-static method is just a regular one. For example:

public class Dog {
	public void bark() {
		System.out.println("Go Go!");

Similar to non-static variable, we can only invoke a non-static method via an instance of the class. For example:

Dog dog = new Dog();


4. Static method

Similar to static variable, a static method is modified by the static modifier. Here’s an example:

public class Math {
	public static int add(int a, int b) {
		return a + b;

A static method is shared by all instances of a class, so there’s no need of creating a specific object to invoke the static method. For example:

int sum = Math.add(7, 8);
System.out.println("sum = " + sum);


sum = 15


5. Why do we get the error: non-static variable number cannot be referenced from a static context?

How many times did you get this error? I bet you faced it several times in your life, right?

Until now I think you know the reason. Let me explain.

When we are trying to access a non-static variable or a non-static method from a static method, we’ll get such error.

Let’s see the following example:

public class Test {
	public int number;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		number = 5;

Here, main() is a static method and number is a non-static variable. The number variable must belong to an instance, whereas the main() method does not, hence the Java compiler complain:

non-static variable number cannot be referenced from a static context

That’s simple! Got it?

On the contrary, we can always access static members from anywhere. For example:

public class B {
	static int z;

	public void bar() {
		z = 1000; // Okay, fine!


So to remember:

- Static members can be accessed from anywhere.

- Non-static members cannot be accessed from static context like in a method.


* Is there static class?

No, there is no static class. But there’s inner static class.


* Static members can be inherited?

Yes, of course. A subclass inherits all accessible static members from its super class.


* Static methods can be overridden?

No. If we have a method with the same signature in the subclass, then that method hides the one in the super class, not overridden. Here’s an example:

public class Parent {
	protected void foo() {

public class Child extends Parent {
	public static void foo() {

Here’s the static foo() method in the Child class hides the one in the Parent class.


6. When do we use static and non-static members?

Generally, non-static members are preferred. As in OOP we create objects with states and behaviors. And different objects have different states, so we should use non-static members if they are specific to each object.

Use static variables if they should be shared among all objects, e.g. a variable to keep track the number of instances, a constant, etc.

Use static methods if they do not depend on states of any objects, e.g. utility methods that do calculation.


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About the Author:

is certified Java programmer (SCJP and SCWCD). He began programming with Java back in the days of Java 1.4 and has been passionate about it ever since. You can connect with him on Facebook and watch his Java videos on YouTube.