How Java final modifier affect your code
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- Written by Nam Ha Minh
- Last Updated on 17 August 2019   |   Print Email
In this post, I will help you understand more deeply about the final modifier in Java - how it affects your program. By understanding how the final modifier is used, you will have more flexibility in designing your programs.
1. Final Class in Java
When a class is marked as final, it cannot be subclassed. In other words, if we don’t want a class to be able to be extended by another class, mark it as final. Here’s an example:
public final class PrettyCat { }
If we try to extend this final class like this:
class MyCat extends PrettyCat { }
Compile error: error: cannot inherit from final PrettyCat
So the final modifier is used to prevent a class from being inherited by others. Java has many final classes: String, System, Math, Integer, Boolean, Long, etc.
- There is no final interface in Java, as the purpose of interface is to be implemented.
- We cannot have a class as both abstract and final, because the purpose of an abstract class is to be inherited.
2. Final Method in Java
When a method is marked as final, it cannot be overridden. Let’s look at the following example:
public class Cat { public final void meow() { System.out.println("Meow Meow!"); } }
Here, the meow() method is marked as final. If we attempt to override it in a subclass like this:
class BlackCat extends Cat { public void meow() { System.out.println("Gruh gruh!"); } }
The Java compiler will issue a compile error: error:
meow() in BlackCat cannot override meow() in Cat
So use the final keyword to modify a method in case we don’t want it to be overridden.
3. Final Variable in Java
When a variable is marked as final, it becomes a constant - meaning that the value it contains cannot be changed after declaration. Let’s see an example:
final float PI = 3.14f;
If we try to assign another value for this final variable later in the program like this:
PI = 3.1415f;
The compiler will complain:
error: cannot assign a value to final variable PI
For reference variable:
final Cat myCat = new Cat();
After this declaration, myCat cannot point to another object.
In Java, constants are always declared with the static and final modifiers, for example:
static final float PI = 3.1415f;
The final modifier can be also used in method’s arguments. For example:
void feed(final Cat theCat) { }
This means code in the method cannot change the theCat variable.
That’s all for the final modifier. I hope you have learned something new today.
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