A Spring tutorial that shows you how to configure XsltView and XsltViewResolver in Spring MVC in order to implement a XSLT view.
Java Hibernate tutorial for mapping a bidirectional one-to-one association on primary key
Java Hibernate tutorial to implement a unidirectional one-to-one association on a foreign key, using JPA annotations
Java code example to use Struts field expression validator
Summary of three books for studying for the OCAJP 7 exam (1Z0-803): OCAJP Certification Guide, OCAJP Study Guide and OCAJP Practice Exams.
Recommended books for candidates who want to get certified with the latest OCPJP 7 certification (Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE Programmer).
Java code examples to use Struts expression validator
Java code examples to use Struts conversion validator
A Java FTP example of sending raw FTP commands to server using the Apache Commons Net library.
Java code example code to count total number of sub directories, files and size of a directory on FTP server.
How to change JRE that runs Tomcat in four different ways (For both Tomcat installed from zip distribution and Tomcat installed as a web serivce).
Steps to add an existing Tomcat installation as server runtime in Eclipse IDE. It's also possible to download and install Tomcat within Eclipse.
How to change port numbers of Tomcat by editing its server.xml configuration file.
Java Graphics code example to draw and scale an image automatically when the container's canvas size gets changed.
Java code example of to calculate total number of files, directories and size of a particular directory.
How to use the TCP/IP Monitor in Eclipse IDE to analyze raw requests and responses between client browser and web server.
How to watch SOAP messages when debugging Java web services applications in Eclipse IDE.
How to transfer binary data via web services in Java based on base64 text encoding approach
Java code example to sort a list collection by multiple attributes (keys) of its elements type using a chained comparator or a CompareToBuilder.
How to sort list collections in Java based on natural ordering of elements as well as using a Comparator.
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