This page features the complete list of Spring Security tutorials published on website. You can find code examples ranging from fundamental authentication to role-based authorization, from login page customization to remember me configuration, from authentication hanlders to password management and encryption, and from OAuth2 login to JWT and REST API security.
You know, Spring Security is an important project in the Spring platlform. It helps developers easily secure Spring-based applications with best security pratices and industry standards. Check the following tutorials to get started with Spring Security:
You can get started with Spring Security by learning to develop user sign up and sign in modules with credentials stored in database, which is the most basic features of any web applications. For specific security needs, you'll find examples about form authentication and HTTP basic authentication with in-memory users, and form login with JDBC, JPA, Hibernate and MySQL database. You'll also find a guide about fixing some Spring Security's deprecated methods.
The following tutorials dive deeper into user authorization implementation with roles or authorities. You'll learn how to authorize users to use specific modules based on their roles; how to manage roles of users; how to redirect users after login based on their roles. And more advanced, you'll learn how to code separate login pages for admin users and normal users.
Besides the default login form generated automatically, Spring Security also allows programmers to use custom login pages if needed. In the following articles, you'll see various examples about login and logout customizations with Spring Security, including Remember login functionality.
Although Spring Security makes developer's life easier with default configurations and implementation for the most basic needs, it also allows advanced customization if needed. In the following articles, you'll learn how to hook security events such as on successful or failed authentication, on successful logout, and before authentication occurs. It will be helpful to develop advanced security functionalities.
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Spring Security provides built-in support for password encryption with the most modern and strong cryptographic algorithms such as BCrypt. That means you can have your user credentials encoded and stored safely in database. Check the following tutorials for more advanced password-related functions, such as forgot password, one-time password email, password expiration, etc. In addition, I'll also share code examples about encrypt credentials in configuration file, HTTPS configuration on localhost, and how to use plain text password in Spring Security.
Spring Security OAuth2 helps programmers easily implement authorization following OAuth 2 protocol in their Spring applications. You'll find in the following tutorlal helpful code examples for implementing social login with Google, Facebook, and GitHub using Spring Security OAuth2 APIs:
Spring Security also provides great support for implementing REST API security with JSON Web Token (JWT). The following tutorials will guide you how to implement authentication and authorization with JWT in your Spring applications:
Videos: Spring Security Video Playlist on YouTube