In this tutorial, you will learn to implement filter/search functionality for an existing Spring Boot application using Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, MySQL and Thymeleaf. Suppose that we have an existing Spring Boot application that displays a list of products as follows:

product list

There can be many products in the database, so we want to add search function that helps the users to easily find products based on a specific keyword.

The code examples in this tutorial are based on the Project Manager project which can be downloaded from this Spring Boot CRUD tutorial.


1. Build Search Query

I don’t use Criteria API because the search query is static – a simple JPQL is enough. Update the ProductRepository interface to declare the search query as follows:

public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Long> {
	@Query("SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE LIKE %?1%"
			+ " OR p.brand LIKE %?1%"
			+ " OR p.madein LIKE %?1%"
			+ " OR CONCAT(p.price, '') LIKE %?1%")
	public List<Product> search(String keyword);

As you can see, this query searches for products having one of its fields matching the specified keyword. Products whose any fields (name, brand, madein or price) containing the keyword will be included in the result.

Note that for number field, we must concatenate it with an empty string so its value can be compared using the LIKE operator:

CONCAT(p.price, '')

You can simplify the search query by concatenating all the related fields like this:

@Query("SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE CONCAT(, p.brand, p.madein, p.price) LIKE %?1%")
public List<Product> search(String keyword);

More accurately, we should concatenate each field with a whitespace to avoid undesired results from the string concatenation. So the final search query would be:

@Query("SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE CONCAT(, ' ', p.brand, ' ', p.madein, ' ', p.price) LIKE %?1%")

As you can see, using a search query like this is easy to understand and much simpler than using Criteria API which is more suitable for dynamic queries.


2. Update Spring Service and Controller Classes

Next, update the listAll() method of the ProductService class to take a keyword as parameter like this:

public class ProductService {
	private ProductRepository repo;
	public List<Product> listAll(String keyword) {
		if (keyword != null) {
		return repo.findAll();

If keyword is null, invoke the default findAll() method of the repository interface (provided by Spring Data JPA).

And update the handler method in the controller class to read keyword from parameter in the URL:

public class AppController {
	private ProductService service;
	public String viewHomePage(Model model, @Param("keyword") String keyword) {
		List<Product> listProducts = service.listAll(keyword);
		model.addAttribute("listProducts", listProducts);
		model.addAttribute("keyword", keyword);
		return "index";

As you can see, beside the search result stored in the listProducts object added to the model, the keyword is also added to the model so in the search form we can display the keyword again.


3. Code Search form with Thymeleaf

To add a filter textbox with Search button in the view page, add the following code in the top of the index.html file:

<form th:action="@{/}">
	Filter: <input type="text" name="keyword" id="keyword" size="50" th:value="${keyword}" required />
	<input type="submit" value="Search" />
	<input type="button" value="Clear" id="btnClear" onclick="clearSearch()" />

As you can see, we use Thymeleaf to render the values of the form action and the keyword. The Clear button allows the users to reset the search form. Also write the following Javascript code:

<script type="text/javascript">
	function clearSearch() {
		window.location = "[[@{/}]]";

Clear search will display all products. Note that we use Thymeleaf expression [[@{/}]] to render the homepage URL properly.


4. Test Search / Filter Function

Now, start our Spring Boot application. Go to the homepage and enter phone as keyword and click Search button. The result would be displayed as follows:

spring data jpa search result

Because we search for any fields that containing the keyword, type usa will show all products made in the USA:

spring data jpa filter result

So far I’ve share with you a solution to implement filter/search function or an existing Spring Boot project using Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, MySQL and Thymeleaf. You can also watch the video version of this tutorial below, and download the sample project under the attachments section.


Other Spring Boot Tutorials:

About the Author:

is certified Java programmer (SCJP and SCWCD). He began programming with Java back in the days of Java 1.4 and has been passionate about it ever since. You can connect with him on Facebook and watch his Java videos on YouTube.

Download this file ([Sample Spring Boot project]73 kB

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#14Kiet Hoang2024-03-04 03:20
Quoting Đức:
Chào Nam.
Không rõ phiên bản Mysql bạn dùng chứ lệnh "select * from User where firstname like %?1%" máy báo error.
%?1%: bạn có thể giải thích giúp được không

Cái này là cú pháp của JPQL, bạn có thể search nha
#13Alejandro Diaz2023-04-17 14:02
Exelente class and example. Can you make a example One to Many with order (one) and orderdetails (many), CRUD
#12Đức2022-09-06 09:25
Chào Nam.
Không rõ phiên bản Mysql bạn dùng chứ lệnh "select * from User where firstname like %?1%" máy báo error.
%?1%: bạn có thể giải thích giúp được không
#11Huan Nguyen2022-06-04 05:11
helllo rất vui đc gặp ban
#10Isuru2022-05-14 04:50
Thank you very much!