Spring Tool Suite is an Eclipse-based IDE that is tailored for developing enterprise applications with Spring framework and Spring Boot. Spring Tool Suite (STS) is also known as Spring Tools for Eclipse. It’s free and open source IDE developed by the Spring Team at VMWare - the company that develops Spring platform.

In this article, I’d like to show you how to download and install Spring Tool Suite on macOS, to get started with development of Spring-based projects on Mac.

Note that STS comes with its internal Java Development Kit (JDK) so it’s not required to have JDK pre-installed on your Mac.


1. Download Spring Tool Suite Installer for macOS

Head over to the official download page of STS at https://spring.io/tools, you will see the following download options:

download sts for mac

You see, the latest version of Spring Tool Suite IDE in July 2022 is 4.15.1. If your Mac computer running on Apple CPU (Apple Silicon), click the button MACOS ARM_64, else click MACOS X86_64 if your Mac running on Intel CPU.

The result is a DMG archive file spring-tool-suite-xxx.dmg got downloaded on to your macOS computer.

2. Install Spring Tool Suite IDE on macOS

Installation of Spring Tool Suite on macOS is simple and easy. Click the downloaded .dmg file, wait for few seconds while it is extracting the archive file. Then you will see the following screen:

install sts drag n drop

Now, just drag and drop the SpringToolSuite4 icon into the Applications folder. It takes just few seconds to copy STS IDE package to the Applications folder:

copying sts to applications

And you’re done. Very simple, right?
Now, open the Launch pad you should see the icon of Spring Tool Suite appears:

sts icon on launchpad

Click the icon to launch Spring Tool Suite IDE. The first time you see this warning message:

open sts

Just click Open to launch the IDE. You will be asked to choose a directory as workspace:

run sts choose workspace

If you’re already familiar with Eclipse, you will find STS easy to use as it is actually based on Eclipse IDE:

sts workspace

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Spring Tool Suite IDE on macOS, and run it for the first time. I hope this helps you get started with Spring applications development.

To see the installation of Spring Tool Suite on macOS in action, you can watch the following video:



Other Spring Tutorials:

About the Author:

is certified Java programmer (SCJP and SCWCD). He began programming with Java back in the days of Java 1.4 and has been passionate about it ever since. You can connect with him on Facebook and watch his Java videos on YouTube.

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#1vansh2023-03-21 13:56
hi my name is Vansh sharma