What is Java SE?
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- Written by Nam Ha Minh
- Last Updated on 27 June 2024   |   Print Email
Maybe you heard about the term Java SE several times, but not really understand what it is actually about? In this post, I will try to explain Java SE in a way that beginners will understand easily. And if you are still in confusion of what Java SE really means, you will find great explanation below.
1. What Java SE is really about?
Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) refers to the most fundamental set of libraries and tools which you can use to develop and deploy Java applications running on desktop (console programs and GUI applications).
A Java SE installation includes Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE). As the name implies, JRE provides runtime libraries that are necessary to run Java applications. A Java application is executed by Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which is included in the JRE.
And JDK provides tools for developing Java applications, such as Java compiler (javac), Java archiver (jar), Java debugger (jdb), certificate tool (keytool), etc.
When you install a JDK distribution, e.g. OpenJDK, you also have Java SE installed on your computer. An when you install an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, it will try to find and use the available JDK.
A new release of Java SE will be rolled out every six months. You can check the latest version of Java SE here.
2. Technologies in Java SE
In terms of supporting Java desktop application development, Java SE offers the following technologies:
- Base libraries for Java programming language and utility: Math, Collections, Reference Objects, Regular Expressions, Logging, Management, Concurrency Utilities, Reflection, Versioning…
- Other base libraries: JavaBeans, File Input/Output, Date and Time, Networking, Object serialization, Internationalization…
- Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) that allows you to develop Java applications that connect to a Database Management System (DBMS) like MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.
- User interface toolkits: Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing, Java 2D, JavaFX, Print Service, Sound…
Note that some technologies are deprecated and were removed in recent releases of Java SE: Applets, Java Web Start, RMI.
Reference: Java SE Technologies
3. What can you develop with Java SE?
With the understanding of what Java SE really means and the technologies Java SE provide, it’s not difficult to figure out what kind of applications you can develop with Java SE:
- Command Line Interface (CLI) applications: are command-line programs that interact with users via text-based input and output. Examples: command-line tools, management console, … and even web servers.
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications: are programs that interact with users via window-based environment. Examples: drawing tools, UML designer, web browser, … and even IDEs.
These kinds of applications can read/write files, connect to database, open network connection, etc using the libraries provided by Java SE. And note that Java SE applications can run independently without any servers, and they usually serve single user.
4. What to learn more about Java SE?
A great resource to learn technologies in Java SE is The Java Tutorials, which have been written for JDK 8. That means it’s little bit outdated (some technologies are no longer available in recent versions of JDK) - but it’s really worth a try.
In addition, I recommend you check the following references:
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