Guide and code examples for integrate both Facebook and Google social login in a Spring Boot application.
How to enable secure connection (SSL) for a Spring Boot application using self-signed certificate on localhost
The real solution to fix Facebook login error: Can't load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and sub-domains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.
How to create, develop and build a Maven project that consists of multiple modules in Eclipse IDE
Spring Data JPA join query examples for like search on one to many and many to many entity relationship
Steps and code examples for creating Maven project that consists of multiple modules in Apache NetBeans IDE
Steps and Code examples for creating a multi module Maven project using IntelliJ IDEA. Also how to build a multi module Maven project.
How to change Java compiler version for a Maven project, including in Eclipse, NetBeans and IntelliJ IDEA
3 ways for adding jQuery and Bootstrap libraries into a Spring Boot project
Spring Security code examples for Remember Login (Remember Me) function (hash-based token and persistent token with database)
Steps to download and install OpenJDK 16 (Java Development Kit) on Windows operating system
Guide to download and install Oracle Java Development Kit (Oracle JDK) for Java 16 on Windows operating system
Spring Security code examples for redirecting users based on roles upon successful login
Spring Security code examples for adding roles to users (unit tests for roles and users, set default role in user registration, assign roles for user in web form)
Spring tutorial and Java code examples to implement single sign on with GitHub in a Spring Boot web application
How to implement social login with Facebook for a Spring Boot web application using Spring OAuth2 Client API.
Spring Boot tutorial for Single sign on with Google using Spring OAuth2 client library.
Spring Boot code examples for connecting to PostgreSQL database using Spring JDBC and Spring Data JPA
Spring Boot code examples for connecting to Oracle database server using Spring JDBC and Spring Data JPA
Spring Boot code examples for connecting to SQL Server with Spring JDBC and Spring Data JPA
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