Java servlet code examples to get IP address of web users
Guide and code examples for mapping composite primary key in Spring Data JPA
Hibernate code examples to map composite primary keys, including foreign key reference in composite ID class.
Spring Data JPA Hibernate example: How to use ID field with String data type that maps to string primary key column in database.
Guide to download and install Oracle JDK 19 on Windows operating system, step by step
Guide to download and install OpenJDK 19 step by step on Windows operating system.
How to undeploy (remove, delete) applications from Heroku, using Heroku web interface and Heroku CLI
Solutions to fix the error "invalid target release" when deploy Java app on Heroku with Maven and Git in command line.
A beginner guide to REST APIs testing using Postman - Test CRUD APIs (Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete).
How to test REST APIs in command line/terminal using curl command and its options. curl examples for testing CRUD REST APIs.
Code examples for validating REST API requests with Spring Boot, Java Bean Validation and Hibernate Validator. REST API request validation examples.
A step-by-step guide to download and install Apache Maven on macOS. How to use Maven command tool to generate, build and package a Java project.
A step-by-step guide to get started with Apache Maven on Windows: download, install Maven; create, build and run first Java project with Maven.
This is a step-by-step guide to download and install Spring Tool Suite IDE (Spring Tools for Eclipse) on macOS
Guide to download and install Spring Tool Suite IDE on Windows, step by step.
Java Spring Security code examples for multiple login pages (for admin and user) with same or different authentication sources
Tutorial for developing REST APIs that follow HATEOAS principle with Spring Boot and Spring HATEOAS. Adding hypermedia links for REST APIs.
Java Spring Boot code examples to read values from application properties file
How to use plain text password in Spring-based application, without password encoding, for testing purposes.
REST API best practices: how to use the correct HTTP methods and status codes in your APIs
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