Java Spring Boot code examples to read values from application properties file
How to use plain text password in Spring-based application, without password encoding, for testing purposes.
REST API best practices: how to use the correct HTTP methods and status codes in your APIs
Guide to download and install Docker Desktop for Mac on macOS operating system.
Guide to download and install Docker Desktop for Windows on Windows 10 operating system.
How to update Spring Security configuration class to remove the warning The type WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter is deprecated
Spring Boot code examples for running code after application startup, when Spring context initialized and all beans created.
Guide to secure REST APIs in Spring-based applications with JWT role based authorization. Full code examples provided.
A step-by-step guide to create, build, run and share Docker image for Spring Boot application
Guide to uninstall Java Development Kit (Oracle JDK and OpenJDK) completely from macOS operating system
How to download binary archive file of OpenJDK 18 for macOS and install OpenJDK 18 on macOS, step by step.
Guide to download and install Oracle JDK 17 on macOS step by step
Guide to download and install Oracle JDK 18 on macOS, step by step. How to setup Oracle JDK 18 on macOS.
A step-by-step guide to download and install OpenJDK 18 on Windows operating system.
The exact guide to download and install Oracle JDK 18 on Windows operating system, step by step.
A comprehensive beginner tutorial for Spring Security JWT Authentication - learn JWT from scratch. Useful code examples.
Understand the reason and know solution to fix Maven fatal error compiling: error: invalid target release
A complete tutorial and code examples about Spring Boot and H2 database (JDBC URLs, in-memory mode, embedded mode and server).
Tips about pretty print JSON output with curl on Windows and macOS
How to handle exceptions and errors in Spring using global exception handler with code examples and explanation.
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