Code examples of using @JsonProperty to set custom property names in JSON object. Applied in Java Spring projects that use Jackson library.
Code examples of using @JsonIgnore annotation to ignore some fields in JSON response. Applied in Java Spring projects that use Jackson library.
Guide to setup Java Development Kit (JDK) on macOS with Oracle JDK 20, step by step.
Guide to setup Java Development Kit (JDK) on macOS by downloading and installing OpenJDK 20, step by step.
Step by step guide to setup Java Development Kit (JDK) with Oracle JDK 20 on Windows operating system.
Guide to download and install OpenJDK 20 on Windows operating system, step by step.
Code examples using @JsonPropertyOrder to sort fields in a JSON object with Jackson library
Understand the meaning, purpose and usage of @Configuration annotation in Spring framework with code examples
Understand the meaning, purpose and usage of @Repository annotation in Spring framework with code examples
Understand what, why and how the @Component annotation is used in Spring framework with code examples
Understand what, why and how the @Service annotation is used in Spring framework with code examples
How to code unit tests for REST APIs with Spring framework, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Test, JUnit, Mockito with full code examples.
Guide and code examples to validate query parameters (request parameters) with Spring Boot and Jakarta Bean validation.
Code examples to validate path parameters (path variables) of REST APIs with Spring Boot and Jakarta validation constraints
Java code examples for generate random strings, random numbers, using Java core and Apache Commons Lang library.
Spring Data JPA code examples for sorting a collection of entities by multiple columns
Java code examples of how to sort a collection by nested property with Spring Data JPA
How to use TestPropertySource annotation in Spring for test classes to run unit tests with different properties files.
Get better understand about Java abstract class. What is abstract class. When using abstract class. Java abstract class examples.
Get proper understanding about Java class structure with code examples
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