Understand API of the URLConnection and HttpURLConnection classes
List of recommended courses for learning mobile development with Android, Unity, iOS, Swift, XCode
List of recommended web development courses: HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails
List of recommended courses for learning Java programming from Core Java to frameworks to Algorithms to DevOps to Testing.
How to get started with Hibernate and JPA by developing a simple application with Eclipse IDE and MySQL database.
How to implement a UDP client/server application in Java using DatagramPacket and DatagramSocket
How to implement a server program in Java using ServerSocket. Multi-threaded server is also explained.
How to create a TCP/IP socket client program in Java with 4 real-life examples: Daytime, Whois, HTTP and SMTP
How to use InetAddress class in Java
Guide to OCEJWCD preparation to get your first Java certificate on Java EE platform. Exam syllabus, study and practice books, exam simulator and mock tests.
Guide to OCPJP preparation, including exam syllabus, study books, practice books, exam simulator and study notes.
Guide to OCAJP preparation to get your first Java certificate. Exam syllabus, study books, practice books, exam simulator and mock tests.
Understand 5 steps to become a certified Java programmer
Overview picture of Oracle Java Certificates: what a Java certificate is, how it looks like, its benefits, and the detailed path of all Java certificates.
Java code example to list all threads that are currently running in the Java Virtual Machine
How to use the Java Shell (jshell) with examples
Java code examples to understand SynchronousQueue
Java code examples to understand how to use DelayQueue
Java code example to understand how to use PriorityBlockingQueue
Java code examples to understand how to use ArrayBlockingQueue
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