JSTL Core Tag c:set Example
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- Written by Nam Ha Minh
- Last Updated on 31 August 2019   |   Print Email
In this post, you will learn how to use the <c:set> tag in the JSTL core tags library with code example.
This tag evaluates a given expression and sets the result into a variable. Optionally we can provide the scope in where the variable can be stored. Scope defaults to page.
JSTL <c:set> Syntax:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
var | False | java.lang.String | Name of the variable to hold the result of the expression evaluated. The type of the variable is of type of the expression result evaluated. |
value | False | java.lang.String | Expression to evaluate or information to save. |
target | False | java.lang.String | In case of JavaBean or java.util.Map, this is the name of the object whose property to be set. If the target is a JavaBean, it must have a corresponding setter property |
property | False | java.lang.String | In case of JavaBean or java.util.Map, this is the property of the object to set the value. |
scope | False | java.lang.String | Scope of the variable. This specifies in which scope the variable will be placed. Default is page scope. |
JSTL <c:set> Example:
The below example stores the username information in the session scope.
<c:set var="userName" scope="session" value="Code Java"/> Value from session set by <c:set> tag: <c:out value="${userName}"/>
The below example sets the salary property to a value. In this case the employee object which resides in session scope must be a JavaBean and should have a setter setSalary(…). If employee object is a Map, then corresponding key (salary) will be set with the value given in the value attribute.
<c:set var=”employeeSalary” scope=”session” value=”$1000.00” target=”${employee}” property=”salary”/>
Recommended Usage of JSTL <c:set> tag:
Particularly useful to set variables into a specified scope. Also useful to set JavaBean properties and setting values in a Map.
Other JSTL Core Tags:
if | catch | choose | forEach | forTokens | import | out | param | redirect | remove | url
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