Struts Double Range Field Validator Example
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- Written by Nam Ha Minh
- Last Updated on 01 August 2019   |   Print Email
The double range field validator checks if a float/double field falls within a specified range. We can use this validator in either XML or annotation:
- XML: specifying type=”double” attribute for <validator> or <field-validator> elements.
- Annotation: specifying @DoubleRangeFieldValidator annotation type before field’s setter method or action method (plain-validator).
The range can be inclusive or exclusive. For example, if we specify a range of [10, 50] for a number x, then:
- an inclusive range means: 10 <= x <= 50
- an exclusive range means: 10 < x < 50
1. Struts Double Range Field Validator XML Syntax:
- Field-validator syntax:
<field name="fieldName"> <field-validator type="double"> <param name="param name">param value</param> <message>validation error message</message> </field-validator> </field>
- Plain-validator syntax:
<validator type="double"> <param name="param name">param value</param> <message>validation error message</message> </validator>
Parameter name | Required | Description |
fieldName | Name of the field (required if using plain validator syntax). | |
minInclusive | No | The minimum inclusive value to check. It won’t be checked if omitted. |
maxInclusive | No | The maximum inclusive value to check. It won’t be checked if omitted. |
minExclusive | No | The minimum exclusive value to check. It won’t be checked if omitted. |
maxExclusive | No | The maximum exclusive value to check. It won’t be checked if omitted. |
minInclusiveExpression | No | OGNL expression to calculate the minimum inclusive value. It won’t be evaluated if omitted. |
maxInclusiveExpression | No | OGNL expression to calculate the maximum inclusive value. It won’t be evaluated if omitted. |
minExclusiveExpression | No | OGNL expression to calculate the minimum exclusive value. It won’t be evaluated if omitted. |
maxExclusiveExpression | No | OGNL expression to calculate the maximum exclusive value. It won’t be evaluated if omitted. |
Struts Double Range Field Validator XML Examples:
- Field-validator example using inclusive range check:
<field name="scale"> <field-validator type="double"> <param name="minInclusive">0.5</param> <param name="maxInclusive">10.5</param> <message>The scale must bet between ${minInclusive} and ${maxInclusive} (inclusive)</message> </field-validator> </field>
- Field-validator example using exclusive range check:
<field name="scale"> <field-validator type="double"> <param name="minExclusive">0.5</param> <param name="maxExclusive">10.5</param> <message>The scale must be between ${minExclusive} and ${maxExclusive} (exclusive)</message> </field-validator> </field>
- Only checking the minimum value:
<field name="scale"> <field-validator type="double"> <param name="minInclusive">5.2</param> <message>The scale must be equal or greater than ${minInclusive}</message> </field-validator> </field>
- Using OGNL expressions:
<field name="scale"> <field-validator type="double"> <param name="minExclusiveExpression">${minExclusiveValue}</param> <param name="maxExclusiveExpression">${maxExclusiveValue}</param> <message>The scale must be between ${minExclusive} and ${maxExclusive} (exclusive)</message> </field-validator> </field>
In this case, the action class or the JavaBean class must implement the following methods (for example):
public double getMinExclusiveValue() { return 11.5; } public double getMaxExclusiveValue() { return 40.3; }
- Plain-validator example:
<validator type="double"> <param name="fieldName">scale</param> <param name="minInclusive">0.5</param> <param name="maxInclusive">10.5</param> <message>The scale must bet between ${minInclusive} and ${maxInclusive} (inclusive)</message> </validator>
2. Struts @DoubleRangeFieldValidator Annotation
Usage: Put the @DoubleRangeFieldValidatorannotation before the setter method or action method (in case of using plain-validator) in the following form:
@DoubleRangeFieldValidator(param1 = "param 1 value", param2 = "param 2 value", ...)
Parameter name | Required | Default value | Description |
message | Yes | validation error message. | |
key | No | i18n key for validation error message. | |
messageParams | No | Additional parameters to customize the message. | |
fieldName | No | Specifies field name in case this validator type is plain-validator. | |
shortCircuit | No | false | Whether this validator is short circuit. |
type | No | ValidatorType.FIELD | type of the validator: field-validator (FIELD) or plain-validator (SIMPLE). |
minInclusive | No | The minimum inclusive value to check. | |
minInclusiveExpression | No | OGNL expression used to calculate the minimum inclusive value. | |
maxInclusive | No | The maximum inclusive value to check | |
maxInclusiveExpression | No | OGNL expression used to calculate the maximum inclusive value. | |
minExclusive | No | The minimum exclusive value to check. | |
minExclusiveExpression | No | OGNL expression used to calculate the minimum exclusive value. | |
maxExclusive | No | The maximum exclusive value to check. | |
maxExclusiveExpression | No | OGNL expression used to calculate the maximum exclusive value. |
Struts @DoubleRangeFieldValidator Examples:
- Basic field-validator:
@DoubleRangeFieldValidator( minInclusive = "23.5", maxInclusive = "57.8", message = "The scale must bet between ${minInclusive} and ${maxInclusive} (inclusive)" ) public void setScale(double scale) { this.scale = scale; }
- Specifying i18n key for the message:
@DoubleRangeFieldValidator( minInclusive = "23.5", maxInclusive = "57.8", message = "Default message", key = "form.validation.scale" ) public void setScale(double scale) { this.scale = scale; }
- Plain-validator (annotating the action method):
@DoubleRangeFieldValidator( type = ValidatorType.SIMPLE, fieldName = "scale", minExclusive = "20.5", maxExclusive = "78.5", message = "The scale must be between ${minExclusive} and ${maxExclusive} (exclusive)" ) public String execute() { return SUCCESS; }
Related Struts Form Validation Tutorials:
- Struts Form Handling Tutorial
- Struts Form Validation Tutorial
- Struts Date Range Field Validator Example
- Struts Integer Range Field Validator Example
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